Dr Jill Andreanoff
Professional mentoring and coaching consultancy
Guidance from a true professional
Having a breadth of knowledge gained from years of experience, a doctorate in mentoring and coaching, and authoring a book on the subject, we can offer a comprehensive mentoring and coaching consultancy service. Between us we have worked with schools, businesses, higher education institutions and individuals and have a long history of publishing academic research papers to demonstrate impact of exemplary practice. We pride ourselves on offering a bespoke service and/or coaching following an initial consultation that suits the individual and business needs rather than ‘off the shelf provision’. This allows you to decide whether the suggested offer meets your requirements before going ahead.
More about usWhat makes us unique
Personalised service
An in-depth understanding of the theory behind coaching and mentoring enables a bespoke intervention to be developed that best suit the needs of the individual or organisation. Clients are not offered 'off-the-shelf' training but a truly personalised service and accompanying resources
Depth of knowledge
Years of experience, study and research have taught us the most effective methods of coaching and mentoring. You can be confident that any consultancy or programme implemented by us will use proven methods and models to provide the most successful outcome
Proven results
Self-reported, anecdotal evidence is no longer sufficient to convince stakeholders and funders of value. That's why we offer a full evaluation and impact assessment of any mentoring and coaching training or programme implemented by us

Appropriate training for your mentors or coaches is one of the keys to a successful mentoring or coaching intervention. No two training courses are the same, for this reason bespoke resources and materials will be provided depending on the aims and objectives for your particular programme. Each participant will be provided with a mentoring or coaching handbook, toolkit and contact logs ensuring that they are fully equipped for the role. These provided resources can extend to promotional materials for your intended learners should you wish to get your programme off to a good start.
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Setting up a Coaching or Mentoring Programme can be a minefield, not to mention time consuming, with so much conflicting advice being offered. As an author of a book and holding a doctorate in the subject, you can be assured that the consultancy service offered will result in a scheme or training course that not only adheres to exemplary practice but is effective. Whether you are implementing a small pilot scheme or a large scale project, a complete service can be provided helping you to develop all the materials and resources for a sustainable programme.
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coaching and mentoring
Having trained thousands of people to be mentors and coaches and experience working with a range of individuals from primary school pupils to chief executives, we can offer individual coaching or mentoring sessions. Whether it's making important decisions in your life, changing careers or developing your leadership skills, we can help you, your staff or pupils to achieve their goals. Using a number of techniques such as solutions focused, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) the approach can easily be adopted to suit you or the context of the provision.
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Conflict in the workplace is not uncommon and can be a major cause of stress as well as preventing employees from performing well. Whilst it's not always possible to recover a previous 'friendship' it can still be possible to find a way for both parties to resume a good and productive working relationship. Mediation techniques along with a coaching approach is used to facilitate the meetings which have resulted in many successful outcomes. An independent consultant remains impartial and has no vested interest in the eventual outcome apart from quickly resuming a harmonious working relationship
Learn moreWho we work with
higher education
Mentoring and coaching within HE has proven to be effective as long as it is delivered according to best practice. With a 15 year track record of delivering accredited programmes you can be confident that your programme will be successful with support from Jill who has published papers on the topic.
More infobusiness and corporate
Whether it is individual coaching or mentoring for your team that is required or a bespoke training programme you can be assured of a professional and efficient service enabling you to meet your aims.
More infoindividuals
If you need support with a life changing decision or just feel unmotivated then individual coaching can be really useful. It can also be used effectively to develop leadership, organisational or time management skills.
More infoschools
Schools can access a range of services to develop both their pupils and members of staff. Support can be offered with setting up a mentoring programme or training delivered.
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Experience in all sectors from education to corporate
Having previously led a team to develop bespoke coaching and mentoring programmes for over 15 years, including a number of private, public sector, educational and voluntary sector organisations, you can be assured of the exceptional quality of the services. From Learning Mentor training in schools to coaching training for senior managers you can be certain that staff will be equipped with the skills and resources they need to support others. Students too (6th form pupils to higher education students) can benefit from the peer mentor training giving them the confidence to assist other less able students.
More about our activitiesWant to know more?
Discuss your mentoring and coaching needs, or just have an informal chat on how we might be able to support you, your business or school
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